Sunday, February 5, 2012

"You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of." "But you have heard of me."

I feel really proud - I was able to show 2 Americans a YouTube video they'd never seen before!  That never happens to me!  I'm the most pop-culturally unaware teenager that ever lived, so this was a big deal for me.  And now, they have been introduced to the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow =)  Shout out to all my awesome friends from Walker 10 last year, since that's the song we played for all the studying for finals :)

I was going to go to the market today and stock up on enough food to last until I move…and then I looked out my window and saw buckets of snow falling from the sky.  I can't see the street, because the snow is up over the curb.  In France, they don't clear the streets, you just drive through the snow.  I've been watching the cars trudge down the street, and also watching a dog having the time of its life while it's owner froze her butt off =)  Which is why I'm back in bed, in my cozy pajamas, with a nice cup of hot tea and some crackers with Nutella beside me.  I don't need food - I can live off of pasta and wine for a couple days.  After all, who needs things like juice?  It's not like I have anything to mix with it ;)  And as for breakfast food...Nutella and crackers works just fine =)  I did trek to the bakery though to get some bread, and rewarded myself with an éclair!  Can't wait for dinner tonight!!

Since they don't clear the streets, they for sure don't clear, or even salt, the sidewalks.  I like my tailbone in one piece, thank you very much, so I'm not leaving my bed.  Ever.  Until April, when it's slightly warmer.  But I can build a snowman from my bedroom!  There's enough snow on my window ledge to make a mini snowman, which means I can accomplish my lifelong goal while staying warm in my pjs =)  Update: tried to  make the mini snowman…it's the wrong snow.  So no more accomplishing lifelong goal :(  I trudged outside and discovered the snow is up to my ankles!  Powdery, freezing softness inside my shoes!

To make today's blog post more interesting, let me tell you a story about why I love France.  I'm applying for financial aid, because I am considered a legal French resident until the end of May, and I've never earned a single euro in my life.  Which means I'm an unemployed French student and can apply for government aid.  Filling out the forms, I realized why it was so weird: there was no box to check if you're Latino or Hispanic.  They don't care what race you are; if you need the aid, that's all that matters.  No racial quotas to meet, no "Oh, you're Hispanic, well congratulations you just got all the money you need!  And as for you white people, well sucks for you!"  I've been filling out summer research applications all weekend, and every single one has a box to check if you're Hispanic.  Which means a perfectly-qualified, intelligent, white girl like me doesn't stand a chance.  Never mind the fact that I'm at the very top of my class and set the curve in almost every class I've ever taken.  I'm not a minority.  I'm hoping the fact that I'm a girl helps me, which in reality is kind of pathetic.  I should be hoping that my grades, teacher recommendations, and academic accomplishments help me.  They would here in France, that's for sure.  America needs to shape up in that respect and look beyond ethnicity.  There's my rant, I'm done, for now…until decisions are made about programs =) 

I really want to get accepted to Johns Hopkins!  Can you say prestige followed by greatest research experience ever??? =)  Oh, and can you also say jet-lag and exhaustion and death…since it starts 2 days after my French proficiency exam that I have to take here, which means I'm taking the test and hopping on a train as fast as possible to get to Paris and fly out the next morning, straight to the university.  No time for sleep…it's over-rated.  And no time for a quick pit stop in Houston.  Yep, guess who may or may not go home until Christmas?  I mean, I hope they'll let me fly home for a weekend to see my brother graduate, but there are a million mandatory orientation things the first week or two of the research project, so who knows.  But it's ok, it will be worth it in the long run to put on my resume and maybe get a super awesome scholarship like Goldwater, Rhodes, Marshall.  And, it will especially be worth it when I finally do make it home and my mom makes the delicious Jack Daniel's pie she always makes, which of course she will make since she will have missed me so much =)

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