The search was tough, but I persevered - I finally found a good mother in Disney!!! So, a few days late, here's my Happy Mother's Day post!!! I tried to do it on Sunday but couldn't think of a Disney mother who wasn't either dead or evil :) And isn't that one of a mom's favorite lines? How many times have you heard that line from your mother or overheard other mothers saying it to their children?
Not much has been going on's exam time. I've been studying. A lot. Chemistry in French is exactly as hard as it sounds, especially when half of the exam is going to be oral!! I've been studying a lot. Only one week left, and then it will all be over...except for my two proficiency exams, but those can be worried about later ;)
My first two exposes went well, I think (I hope haha). The first one was pretty good - I actually got my French professor, Mme. Pago, on my jury with another nice woman who smiled a lot. So that helped my nerves at least a little bit, since I already am aware of the lightning-speed with which Mme. Pago talks and therefore wasn't flabbergasted when she started rapid-firing questions at me :) I think at one point, when she asked me about using Twitter and Facebook, she thought I didn't understand the question, but anyone who is my friend or follower can attest that I pretty much never use either account haha. Imagine that, a young person who isn't addicted to social media!! Although now that it's finals time, I seem to be more addicted than I was last month...haha funny how that always seems to happen.
My second expose was a bit less promising...I had these two professors I'd never seen before. I had no idea what I was supposed to do or how long I was supposed to talk, so I kind of just started rambling. When I finished, the guy professor just looked at me and said "C'est tout?" You're finished? Whoops...but fortunately they laughed when I told them I had been preparing for C1 and therefore didn't know the B2 requirements for how long I was supposed to talk. They just asked me random questions to fill the time. I had to defend the fact that I'm an American and yes, I do in fact cook (occasionally...usually my wonderful roomie cooks for me or my family when I'm at home...but I'm learning!!). I also declared my undying love for French pastries and bakeries....the professors laughed at me. But hey, at least I'm not fat yet!! 10 more days, how much weight can I gain as I attempt to eat a lifetime's worth of pastries before my plane takes off? Challenge accepted, my dear French professors. Challenge accepted =)
So notice my photo to accompany today's quote is taken in snow. Fitting, since it was a warm and sunny FORTY DEGREES this morning!! Seriously, France, it's May. Get with the program and warm up already!!! You didn't hear me complaining when it was sixty last week!!! I'm a Southern should be getting close to 100 right about now and I should be swimming in an outdoor pool (without the heater, of course) in order to cool off.
But now that I complained, I feel guilty. I'm leaving in 10 days! I can't believe it's almost over! While I'll be glad to get back home to my amazing bed, dog, family, and friends (don't read anything into the order I typed that.....actually do read something into it, it's a pretty accurate listing of my priorities) I will be sad that this semester of a lifetime has come to an end. I've met some pretty incredible people over here and hope to keep in touch with them when we all scatter to various countries across the globe...and I majorly suck at keeping in touch with people, so this will be a challenge. After all, I just admitted that I suck at using social media, and pretty much every single one of my friends back home can attest to this fact. =)
Tomorrow will be the day I cave in and buy the fried, greasy, chocolate-covered deliciousnesses that are churros. It will be a good day =)
Also...the quote that almost won for today's post, but ended up losing because it's not really mother-y, it's just an awesome quote in my opinion and is spoken by a mom:
"Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to men? I don't think so."
Yeah! You go Elastigirl/Helen/Mom - making sandwiches and saving the world, all in a day's work =)
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